Where do I begin?
Let me preface this by saying that I never thought I would be a mom who blogged. Not because I look down on them but because I am not a great writer. My husband kept asking, "When are you going to blog?" and I would always respond with, "I will never be a blogger." Ha - never say never. That has been my motto these past months. That motto was first realized at 4:00 a.m. the first night in the hospital when I gave in and gave our new baby a pacifier. She immediately went to sleep, and so did we.
I was finally pushed into blogging when I read this post from a former co-worker, Katie Hall. My hesitation came from the fact that my mind jumps around when I talk, and that is displayed in my writing. I have a lot to say; I just have a hard time expressing it. Half of what I think never makes it to my words, but I am going to give it a whirl and see what comes out. It may take me twice as long to write, and I may write less often, but here it goes...
Madelyn Page Molletta joined us on June 28, 2010 at 7:48 in the morning - weighing 8 pounds 4 ounces and 19.5 inches in length. I am sure I should say my wedding day was the happiest day of my life, but that is not the case. The day Madelyn entered the world was by far the best day of my life. Not only did we bring a beautiful baby girl into the world, but I was able to share this joyous occasion with the most amazing man in the world, my best friend. We were both so in love with this baby, and I, then more than ever, was totally reminded of how in love I was with my husband.
The months leading up to her birth were amazing. Eric and I decided we wanted to birth naturally and spent three months attending natural child birth classes and hours of reading a half dozen books to prepare us for the "Big Day". It was such an awesome time for us. We were both working together to reach one common goal. And boy did we work hard, but it definitely paid off in the end.
Life since her birth has been nothing but easy. Those first few weeks by far were the hardest. The day we took her home from the hospital was the scariest day of my life. What if she stopped breathing or began to choke? I would not know what to do. Would Eric? I was definitely not qualified to care for such a tiny and fragile baby. What were they thinking letting me go home so soon?
The first night home Madelyn sat screaming in my arms at 2:00 a.m. with Eric by my side. Neither of us knowing what to do. I told Eric to get some sleep, and he simply said, "We are in this together." Man, I loved him. I had many years of experience working with children but nothing could prepare me for the raising of a child, nothing. It was extremely humbling to realize that I really knew nothing.
The doctor told us, when she was three-weeks-old, that she had colic and refux, which could last for three to four months. How could I handle this for another three months? And then, someone told us about the hair dryer. I never thought I would love an item so much. We learned that she LOVED the hair dryer. It was the only thing that would get her to stop crying and the only thing that would put her to sleep. She still goes to sleep to the sound of a hair dryer, only now I have an hour long CD that mimics the sound of a hair dyer. A little less of a fire hazard I guess.
Boy has life changed these last 8 weeks. My biggest accomplishments each day are getting her to burp after each feeding and getting her take three naps a day. My most recent purchases on Amazon.com consists of The Baby Book and nursing bras (I was extremely excited about both). My most anticipated moment is waking up on the weekends and putting Madelyn between Eric and me as we attempt to get her to smile (her new trick). I wear spit up, pee, snot and poop more than anything else, but I love my life. I love this baby more than words can express, especially my words, and I truly have the most amazing husband ever. She adores him too.
Everyone keeps telling me to enjoy it; it goes fast. I have definitely taken that to heart. I have enjoyed every second of her. I just want time to slow down, so I don't miss a thing. My baby will be two months in two days and that time has passed with the blink of an eye. Before I know it she will be one, and I do not want to look back with any regrets.