“Enjoy the little things, for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things." Robert Brault

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Three Months

Madelyn was three months old yesterday. It was also my birthday, so Eric took the day off to spend it with his girls. It was such an awesome day!
Just woke up. She is like her daddy- a little grumpy when she first wakes up.
She loves that stinkin lion.

She is a little stinker. And she knows it too.
Uncle David is a natural.
Tummy time!
We are definitely at the beginnings of teething. Let's hope for pain free breakthroughs.
Happy Three Months, Baby!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Didn't Come Easily

In my first post, I talked about how much I loved my new life; however, you were reading my thoughts after being a mother for eight weeks. My loving feelings towards motherhood didn't quite come that easily.  

One of the many reasons those first few weeks were so hard, aside from the lack of sleep, was the lack of "me" time.  I couldn't go to bed when I was tired, I ate my food cold most meals (if I ate at all), I didn't drink my morning coffee until 2:00 in the afternoon on many occasions, and I definitely didn't have time to check my facebook/email or put on make-up.  I didn't go to sleep at night and have time to re-energize, so I could get up and do it all again the next day. The day never ended for me; I went all day, everyday.

It's not something I really thought about much until Madelyn arrived, but for 27 years, the only person I REALLY had to think about was myself. Now, granted, as a wife, daughter, sister, teacher, and friend, I did think  and care about others a lot, but if we are truly honest with ourselves, we really are selfish beings. You see that displayed in little children who are learning to share their toys. They don't willingly share their toys, they have to be taught to share them. They are simply displaying their natural tendencies to think of themselves. In one day, all my needs, thoughts, desires, and wants became an afterthought, and I had this tiny baby needing my EVERY moment.

But it's amazing - just like my life changed overnight, so did my priorities. They might not have changed as quickly, but at some point, they definitely caught-up. All the screaming, crying, fussing, feedings,  dirty diapers, long days, and sleepless nights all seem worthwhile with one simple smile.

It really doesn't get much better than this.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Madelyn and the family



Uncle Mikey

My big helper, Cousin Sammi

Aunt Lala

Aunt Karen and Cousin Sammi

Aunt Karen, Cousin Andrew and Uncle Mike

Future in-laws. We are bringing back arranged marriages. Don't judge.

Happy Birthday, Uncle Mikey!

Expert rocker at work.

Friday, September 3, 2010

The First Two Months

Welcome to the world, Madelyn Page Molletta.

Not a happy baby

Daddy's first kiss

First night in the hospital

Going home

Tired baby

First bath

He gets her to sleep in the craziest ways.
Daddy never buttons her pants, and she looks as though she is about to fall out
of that swing. We both have our own way of watching Baby.

My sweet girl.

She LOVES to be outside, but if she can't be outside, she loves to look outside.

First football game. Go Tigers!