“Enjoy the little things, for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things." Robert Brault

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Life Lately

Wow, it has been awhile since I last posted. Of course, I could give a million reasons as to why . . .

Since the last post Avery has  officially become a walker. She started taking steps at 14 months, but since it wasn't her quickest mode of transportation, she still chose to crawl. But soon after turning 15 months, she decided one day she was only going to walk and has not turned back since.

She is still all emotions. When we are out in social settings, she smiles and waves to all that pass, but when she is not getting her way, she has quit a temper. She only has two emotions - it is all or nothing with her (sounds like someone else I know). All smiles and laughs or all tears and screams.  I do love my little pistol and wouldn't change anything about her.

Madelyn continues to march to her own beat. She knows what she wants and will go at whatever measures to get it. She is shy when in new situations, but she can be outgoing and silly when around friends and family. She is a really great kid. I honestly could not ask for a more easy going, resilient three-year-old. Don't get me wrong, she definitely has her moments, but those are few and far between compared to her sister.

We spent the past weekend at Berry College visiting Uncle Mike. The campus is beautiful and the weather was amazing. Eric and I got up early to hike to the House of Dreams while Nana and Granddad watched the girls. It was a special day - the campus means a lot to us - it's where we got engaged, got married, worked and have spent countless hours outside.

All in all, we're loving this time of year!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


We have been talking about having a third child, but a couple of weeks ago both of the girls were sick and I told myself I was done. Then I watch something like this, and it makes me want to have four more, or at least just one more . . .

Monday, July 1, 2013

Madelyn is Three!

My "little" girl is now three and what a great year we had with her. We were able to see a whole new side of Madelyn once Avery joined our family. From the start she had an innate need to care for her little sister. She gets such a joy at making Avery happy (and, yes, even making her mad sometimes).

Earlier in the year she started to potty training herself, which was the perfect expression of her personality. She is very independent and knows what she is going to do and when she is going to do it. Her favorite phrase seems to be "I do it by myself!" From getting dressed, to getting in her car seat, to brushing her teeth -- this girl wants to do everything on her own terms.

I always know what I am going to get with her - she is always content with life and very even-keel. She doesn't give up easily and always follows through once she puts her mind to something. Never getting mad or frustrated, she just keeps on until she has success.

This girl definitely marches to her own beat. She is my adventurous little tomboy and I love her more than she will ever know.

Happy third Birthday, my sweet girl!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Avery Kate is ONE Year!

Wow, it's amazing to look back one year ago today. I was driving Madelyn and myself to the hospital six centimeters dilated, and we welcomed Avery less than two hours later.

Avery is so completely different from her sister, and it was apparent from the moment she was born. She is such a curious and adventurous baby. She is full of emotion and is most content being outside observing her surroundings. Hmmm, sounds like someone else I know . . .

I love you, Avery Kate Molletta - you are my sweetest baby!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Good Company

We are lucky enough to have grandparents who are healthy and willing to travel, which means Madelyn and Avery get to see their great grandparents on occasion.

Grandma Rita and Grandpa Joe made the trip from southern California recently, and we enjoyed every minute that we were able to spend with them. We're so thankful they came out - we only wish they lived closer!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Thoughts from Breakfast

I am the type of person who naturally stays busy. I actually have to stop and make myself slow down. Our weeks are filled with lunches, play dates and family time.

This week I decided to take the girls to breakfast, just me and them. I was reminded of two things that morning - First, that I can handle them at a restaurant by myself and second, everything my girls have to say is important. Although our conversations weren't very deep, I hope to consistently make this a priority. Because one day their lives will become a little more complicated and a lot more rich, and I want to be ready to listen to the little things in hopes that they will want me to listen to the big things.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Happy 11 Months, Avery Kate!

A few things about Avery....

She loves to crawl . . .
She loves the beach . . .
She loves the "big" girls . . .
She loves toilet paper . . .
And she is still ALL daddy.

Love this girl so much.
 Happy 11 Months!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Happy Spring!

With Spring beginning we have had several beautiful days and when we took a family hike recently, it brought me back to a very similar moment with Madelyn when she was about Avery's age. So much changes, and yet so much stays the same.

Madelyn 6 Months
Avery 8 Months
Madelyn 6 Months
Madelyn 2 Years
Madelyn 6 Months
Madelyn 2 Years
Happy Spring!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Avery Kate Is Nine Months

Avery is nine months today and continues to be such a sweet girl. She always wants to be part of the action and is easily entertained by watching her big sister. However, she is starting to stand her ground and will let her temper show if she is not getting her way. Whether eating, playing or sleeping (supposed to be) - she knows how to be heard!

We look forward to the coming months as Avery continues to mature and follow in her sister's footsteps.

Happy nine months, Avery Kate!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Eight Months with Avery Kate!


Here we are -- eight months. Just the other day we were thinking back to the time when we had to take turns bouncing you while we ate dinner - just to keep you happy! And even though it was only eight months ago, it seems like another life-time and you seem like a completely different baby now. It makes me sad to think how fast it has gone but also excited to continue to watch you grow and learn.

This month we celebrate your first two teeth!

 Happy Eight Months,  I love you!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dear Mama

You will never have this day with your children again. 
Tomorrow, they’ll be a little older than they were today. 
This day is a gift. 
Breathe and notice. 
Smell and touch them;  
Study their faces and little feet and pay attention. 
Relish the charms of the present. 
Enjoy today, mama.  
It will be over before you know it.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Avery Kate is Seven Months!

Avery has become more and more enjoyable the older she gets. Now that she can sit up alone, she will play and entertain herself for a little bit. She has recently discovered that she can scream on demand, and she loves the sound of it.

I started giving her cereal at night and it's official - she is a true Molletta. She inhales her food as quickly as possible. The girl loves her food! Mango so far is her favorite, just like her daddy.

Of course, she is always entertained by watching her big sister too, and the art of learning to share is in the works. Avery loves to grab at everything within reach and when she grabs at Madelyn's "claimed" toys and books Madelyn has no problem reminding her, "No Avery Kate, that mine." Sharing is definitely a hard concept for all involved.

However, life is good and I love these girls!

Happy Seven Months!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Red Letter Year, with A Red Letter Girl

Today marks our ninth anniversary and I’m going to take over Stephanie's blog to write about her. After nine years, she continues to amaze me.

It’s rather convenient that our anniversary falls right after the New Year, because at the beginning of each year we take time to reflect about the previous year and plan for the year ahead. It’s something we’ve done since the beginning of our marriage, and it’s always been a very valuable (and fun) exercise for us.

As we look back, this past year was possibly the most trying year of our relationship, but also one of the most beneficial years. We always try to learn and grow from each new experience, and Stephanie’s strength always amazes me. She somehow manages to stay in control while life gets busier and busier. Where I have a tendency to withdraw, she can pick up the slack and keep moving.

Earlier this year Stephanie welcomed her second child into the world via her second completely natural waterbirth. I could go on and on about Stephanie's level of commitment, education and preparation that resulted in two successful natural births, but suffice it to say that the delivery and postpartum staff are simply amazed in her ability to take birth head on and come out looking like a champ. And I know that her success is not just coincidence or dumb luck. Stephanie saw a monumental challenge ahead and decided to do it her way. She absolutely worked her ass off and was able to experience something truly amazing. . .twice.

Two days after Avery’s birth Stephanie saw Madelyn turn two. With her hands full, she is somehow managing to raise two of the sweetest little girls you could ever meet. Steph recognizes the delicate balance between affection and discipline better than anyone I know. Her girls love her intensely but, most importantly, they respect her.

She has also continued her part-time job working with a six year old little boy with autism.  After spending all day with him, Steph comes home with a smile on her face and is ready to feed her girls, put them to bed and make dinner – all before I even come home.

In addition to being the mother of her growing family, she has managed to be the wife that one could only hope for. Incredibly confident, patient, caring and strong, she has supported me in ways that leave me speechless. She is willing to meet challenges head on and learn, grow and adapt in order to improve our relationship (she may or may not need to smack me around a few times in the process!).

And she still knows how to have a good time! She never hesitates to have a babysitter lined up so we can take off and pretend like we’re young, wild and carefree for a night. It’s always fun to cut loose and have a good time, and she realizes that sometimes "Mommy and Daddy" just need a cold drink and a night out.

Upon reading this, I know Stephanie will say that WE have accomplished all of this together – that I make all of this look too one sided. While there may be some truth to that statement, after nine years I’m not afraid to admit that she is the better, stronger part of me.