And although this new stage is hard for me to accept, I am so excited to see what the future brings as they grow. Madelyn is such a great kid, and God has given her such a sweet and kind heart. She truly wants the best for others and she cares deeply about others feelings.
She, like me, loves rules. She likes to know the plan. No surprises for her. And although it drives her daddy crazy (and probably her sister), it is part of who she is and I love it.

Just a few other things about Madelyn:
She very rarely goes anywhere without wearing a princess dress.
She loves sugar- candy, cupcakes and chocolate.
She does not shy away from bugs, small animals or dirt.
She does not forget anything she sees or hears.
I love this sweet girl and pray continually that God uses that heart of hers for Him. I honestly couldn't ask for a better four-year-old!