“Enjoy the little things, for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things." Robert Brault

Thursday, April 28, 2011

10 Months

When I started to post pictures to Madelyn's 10 month blog, I realized I had only taken two good pictures ALL month. Such a contrast to the amount of pictures I took her first month. I guess now I spend more of my time cleaning up her messes and less time capturing the moment.

Thanks to my parents' contribution I am able to post a few more pictures this month:

Messes are now her specialty. I guess that's
the end of the diaper drawer. 
We officially have a crawler on our hands.
She is still a bit awkward, but she
can move it across a room now.
She is also getting pretty good at standing up
while holding on.
Baby spent this past weekend with Nana, Grandad, and Uncle
Mikey while Daddy and Mommy took a trip to the beach for
a wedding. First weekend trip away and she did great!
She loves some attention. If you aren't paying attention to her,
she lets out this high pitched scream. Then when you look over
at her, she flashes a huge smile.
Uncle Mikey teaching Baby the fundamentals
of basic drumming.
"Is this really ALL the water I am going to get?"
"Can someone please tell me why I'm in a bucket?"
"I'm saving THIS cheerio for later."
Happy 10 Months, Sweet Girl!