“Enjoy the little things, for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things." Robert Brault

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Welcome, Avery Kate!

What a day! I was at the office sitting down for a meeting at 9:00 a.m. and, before I knew it, I was holding my new baby girl around Noon.

Stephanie successfully completed her second natural water birth at North Fulton Hospital, and she continues to amaze me, as well as all the other family members, midwives and nurses around her! She is truly remarkable!

Welcome to the World, Avery Kate!
Madelyn was able to meet her little sister as she
was just minutes old.
Big sister already in action.
Thanks to Aunt La La for Avery's first Birthday card!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Live Strong, Even in Trimester 3

Here we are, a little over two weeks until my due date. It's funny because when you are pregnant it seems that people expect you to live such a boring life - stay inside, eat junk food all day, and (oh my gosh!) don’t have sex. Thankfully, I have been fortunate with both pregnancies and have felt great throughout. The weekend I had Madelyn I hiked at the river, fished with Eric, planted flowers, and went to the gym. After all of that activity, Madelyn finally decided she was ready on Sunday night.

Who knows what I will do the weekend before I have this baby, but I hope it goes something like that. Sure, I have been tired in the evenings after chasing Madelyn all day, and I get winded carrying Madelyn up our two flights of stairs all day, but all in all, I have felt great. I really think much of pregnancy, and in life really, is in what you make it. If I laid around all day and ate cookies, of course I would feel terrible.

Here's to our final days before we welcome baby #2, and hoping I can still fit in a few more adventurous activities before that time.

Shoot'n the Hooch - 35 Weeks

Marc Broussard Concert - 36 Weeks